

Bawasir or Hemorrhoids or Piles is one such deficiency that has slowly started to impact people in the aforementioned age group when it was earlier affecting people in their 60s and 70s. And in the end, it may leave one looking for an appropriate Ayurvedic medicine for piles.

Understanding Piles or Bawasir

Due to the way people have begun restructuring their lifestyles, eating habits take a huge hit. When time is short, we forsake quality for convenience. Skipped breakfast, hurried lunch, innumerable cups of coffee, and whatever snacks are easily available strain the digestion. There are exceptions, but the quickest and most convenient option is not always the best. Stress is hard on the digestion as well. When one pays such little attention to food and eating schedules, digestive issues are sure to follow. The digestion is unable to cope with this daily neglect and, unless uncorrected, this could lead to chronic diarrhea, the heavy strain on the rectum while passing stools due to frequent constipation finally ending in fissures and Haemorrhoids.

It is first vital to understand Ayurveda’s perspective on what Piles is, and what the most effective Ayurvedic treatment for Piles is. Piles is a disorder caused due to varicosity in the numerous veins that surround the anus in the human body. In many cases, it will begin with pain around the anus and individuals will find it difficult to pass their bowel. These are the first signs that needed to be paid heed to. If it is not treated right, it leads to a prolapse of the anus and bleeding. This uncomfortable disorder is caused by a variety of symptoms like; poor diet, constipation, diarrhea, sedentary lifestyle, stress, and bad posture.

The Three Doshas And Digestive Issues

Ayurveda defines three Doshas – Vata Pitta and Kapha that govern all the aspects of our body. Each person has their own unique Dosha constitution that should be kept in optimum balance to remain in good health. Piles can be caused by an imbalance in any of the three Doshas. Most commonly, the deficiency is found in Vata and Pitta types. Ayurvedic medicine for Piles or Ayurvedic treatment for Piles is to ensure the Agni in the body is improved and is working efficiently by following the right diet. The Dosha balance plays an important part in digestion. Ayurveda also defines digestion as the central function of good health. Good digestion leads to efficient metabolism and overall good health. Digestion relies on the digestive fire Agni and the three Doshas in optimal balance. When the Doshas are out of balance, the digestion also gets impacted.

The Vata Dosha governs movement in the body. So a well balanced Vata Dosha keeps the bowel contents moving correctly. Since it is a drying Dosha, its aggravation can cause the bowel contents to get dried and unable to move properly causing constipation. Vata Dosha causes constipation that is rough and dry with painful black coloured haemorrhoids. The Pitta Dosha is heaty in nature and when excessive causes diarrhoea, excessive thirst, and inflammed haemorrhoids that bleed. The Kapha Dosha, on the other hand, is cold and heavy causing large light coloured haemorrhoids.

Agni and Digestion

The efficiency of digestion depends on the digestive fire Agni and its strength. The strength of Agni varies in accordance with the Sun in the sky. When the Sun is at its highest around noon, the Agni is at its strongest. This is Why one must eat the heaviest or biggest meal at midday and not at night as most working people do. The morning and evening meals should be lighter to compensate for the weaker Agni. Eating at night is not advisable.

Ayurveda suggests a few astringent herbs that are proven remedies for this issue. Haritaki, alum, pomegranate, and mullein are a few supplements that help tighten the tissues and start the healing process.

The journey to recovery

The Ayurvedic view of health is holistic. Any health issue is not treated symptomatically or in isolation. Ayurveda strives to rebalance the disease-causing imbalances and benefit overall health.

While Ayurvedic medicines for piles do exist, correction of metabolic errors and lifestyle modification is the key to curing piles. Eating healthy, fresh, and wholesome food as per a fixed meal schedule will ease the stress on the digestive system. When the Dosha aggravation has been identified, habits and foods that aggravate the Dosha should be avoided. Charting out a healthy diet plan and weeding out harmful activities from your daily routine can gradually help people with piles and fistula recover naturally. Water and fiber intake should be at healthy levels. One should also avoid eating at night and strive to eat the main meal in the afternoon.

Ayurveda has identified numerous herbs and natural ingredients that have proven to work as a remedy for piles. At Kerala Ayurveda, we have used these key ingredients to create Pilogest – an Ayurvedic proprietary oral supplement is to treat the root cause that leads to piles, anal bleeding, and haemorrhoids.

The unique combination of elephant foot yam and touch-me-not plant with extracts of Turmeric, Chitrak, Guggulu, and Triphala, makes this one of the best ayurvedic medicine for piles and fissure.Pilogest regulates your metabolism with a mild laxative action and helps facilitate easy bowel movement. Regular intake of Pilogest reduces pain, promotes shrinkage of pile mass, and speeds up healing.

Key Ingredients

Touch-me-not plant is a well known ayurvedic herb to treat bleeding piles. It is known as Lajjalu (Mimosa Pudica). It contains alkaloid mimosin, which alleviates pain and reduces inflammation. The phenolic content and antioxidant action of this plant accelerates wound healing. In Ancient period, Ayurvedic physicians prescribed a decoction made using touch-me-not plant to treat piles. External application of leaf paste was used traditionally to cure pile mass.

Elephant foot yam has been popularly used for treating piles and fistula. This yam is also known as Amorphophallus Dubis or Amorphophallus campanulatus. It helps in the Ayurvedic treatment of Vata problems. An excellent source of fiber, it regulates bowel movement and prevents constipation and improves metabolism due to the presence carbohydrates and fiber.

Triphala present in Pilogest Capsule contains specialized phyto-constituents like tannin, gallic, ellagic acid and vitamin C, which act not only helps evacuate the bowel but also acts as an excellent anti-oxidant, preventing future occurrence of piles and fistula.‘Tri’ means three and ‘phala’ is fruit. Triphala is a combination of three fruits that is one of the most well-known and popular Ayurvedic medicine for piles. The ancient Ayurvedic text Sharangdhara Samhita prescribes the use of Triphala for the treatment of is a formulation that is advised for piles in the treatment of piles, fissures, and hemorrhoids. The three fruits that compose Triphala are Haritaki, Bibhitaki, and Amla.


The fruit Haritaki is also called Terminalia chebula. The word ‘Haritaki’ translates as ‘that which removes disease and makes the body shine’. This potent fruit is used in Ayurveda to balance all the three Doshas. It is used in Ayurveda to improve digestion, detoxify, and support healing. Haritaki is particularly useful in traditional piles treatment in Ayurveda as it eases the bowel movement and relieves the pressure on the affected areas. It is also an Ayurvedic anti inflammatory and supports healing.


The fruit Bibhitaki is also called Terminalia belerica. The name is based on the word ‘Vibhitaki’ which translates as ‘to be without fear of disease’. It is used as a good Ayurvedic detoxifier that purifies muscles, fat, blood, and lymph tissues. It balances the Kapha and Pitta Doshas. It is useful in Ayurvedic medicine as an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antidiarrheal, antihypertensive, antipyretic, mild laxative, and hepatoprotective.


Amla or the Indian gooseberry is also called Emblica Officinalis. It is a common ingredient in both food and traditional medicine. Amla is defined in Ayurveda as having the ability to balance all the three Doshas. It is used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine as an antioxidant, immunomodulator, anti-inflammatory, astringent, laxative, and rejuvenator.


It is the best-known anti-inflammatory herb in Ayurveda. It is also known as Balsamodendron mukul and is one of the best Ayurvedic medicines for piles. It helps in reducing the inflammation in fistula-anorectal and hemorrhoidal conditions. Guggul is a laxative and astringent agent that easily metabolizes the bioactive etiologic component of hemorrhoids, especially toxins (ama). The gum resin is proved to be a rich source of steroids that relieves pain and itching. It also balances the body’s Kapha Dosha. It is one of the most potent wound healers in Ayurveda. It aids the body’s detoxification process and helps increase the metabolism of fat in the body thereby reducing cholesterol levels.


The golden spice Turmeric is an Indian home remedy that has become world-famous. It is used for cosmetic, religious, and health purposes. It is used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine. Turmeric with its anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties prevents the attack of secondary microbial infection and arrests the bleeding in haemorrhoids. It also helps reduce anal itching. As per the principles of Ayurveda Turmeric has an alkaline and astringent effect that helps to shrink haemorrhoids. Importantly, Turmeric is used in Ayurveda to enhance the digestive fire Agni and balance all the three Doshas.

How Ayurvedic medicine can help in treating piles and fistula

  • Reduces rectal bleeding
  • Alleviates pain & itching
  • Relieves Chronic constipation
  • Controls anal protrusion, inflammation and swelling
  • Facilitates easy bowel evacuation